
Showing posts from 2002

The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy (The Lord of the Rings #1-3) by J.R.R. Tolkien * * * * *

I read The Lord of the Rings at the urging of my mother, who said she read somewhere that it was a significant book in English Literature. I didn't read it exactly when she said it, because I wanted to read it in its original form. So in 2002, I decided that my English had progressed enough. The story is very engaging and complex. The world has a lot of characters, with a lot of background. It's not a light read. The language is not easy. There are many thorough descriptions. Some I started to skip after a while. The story is divided into three parts. The Fellowship of the Ring is about how the main character, a hobbit named Frodo gets together with a rag-tag group of humans, elves, dwarf, wizard and other hobbits. They have a task. It was the best part. I loved the elven places in it, and the many adventures during the voyage. The team interacted very well together. In the second part, The Two Towers , we see many places in the world as the characters travel. However, th...