
Showing posts from April, 2014

The Barque of Heaven by Suzanne Wood * * *

This story takes place during 3rd season. You definitely need to know the series up to that point, but not the previous book. The story itself is pretty exciting. As can be seen from the summary, they are going from planet to planet in a test. It's very hard to stop reading, because you keep wondering how they are going to get the address and password to the next gate, and when they go through, what's going to be the next challenge. Though there are more exciting planets than others, but if we were talking about actual people, then they would be all dead halfway through. The characterization is generally good, but O'Neill feels a bit off. On the one hand, he says these nicknames that I can't remember him doing in the show. He calls Daniel "Danny" sometimes, and Teal'c "T". I took off half a star for that. My actual rating is 3.5 stars. What it also lacked for me was Carter. She seems to be sometimes forgotten. The guys all have something going on...

Sacrifice Moon by Julie Fortune * * * *

Before I go into the review of the book, I have to tell you about my "love affair" with Stargate SG-1 . I can't remember when I started to watch it, but the movie I did see in the theater, and it was absolutely great. It combined my love for sci-fi, and Egyptian mythology. The series got me hooked right away, but for some time there were problems, because in my country they wouldn't screen it past season 2. However, for some years that has changed. There is a channel, where they have an episode on every evening at 7.20pm, and they have for years. If they reach the end, they just start again. That actually happened last week, and I realised that some episodes I've seen almost every showing of, some almost none, so now I want to watch every episode again. Then I happened on a collection of almost all the books, and yesterday decided to try them out. I'm glad I did. This is an interesting book for fans. It fills a gap between episode 2 and 3. At the end of the se...