Fifty Shades of Grey (Fifty Shades, #1) by E.L. James *

I first heard about this book from some friends, who didn't like it. Now I'm not the kind of person who rejects or likes a book just because the friends do. I like the Cassandra Clare books, I like the concept in them and find them exciting. Some people I know hate them. Some friends adore The Hunger Games . I like the story, but the style of writing I have a problem with. Still read them, and wrote reviews. I hate Twilight . Seriously. I read some of the books, and hated them. I know people who loved them. So I read stuff from this book. Now English is not my first language, but my fiction has better language than some of the quotes I read. It was also discussed in a group where some people actually do live in a BDSM relationship. For people who love this book, this is NOT BDSM. I've read BDSM written by people who actually live it. I even researched it and online role played it. THIS IS NOT BDSM. A good dom doesn't do these. There are safe words. There is a...