
Showing posts from May, 2013

Konkatsu! (JDrama) * * * *

Konkatsu!  (Marriage Hunt!) is a romantic drama with some comedy. It's about a Amamiya Kuniyuki finding a government job after many years of being unemployed, but lying about wanting to get married to his long-time girlfriend, since he doesn't even have a girlfriend. He gets hired specifically because the district president wants to promote marriage, and help the declining birthrates in her district. Therefore, Kuni goes on a marriage hunt along with some friends and co-workers to keep his job. The drama isn't just about a marriage hunt, but also Kuni's district, which is becoming abandoned. He doesn't want to leave, so he has to find ways to save it. The characters were generally likeable, and well acted, believable. I especially liked Ueto Aya's performance. I have seen her in some other dramas and she always feels fresh, and sweet. Her character, Tobita Haruno, is a shining sun in the otherwise dreary sets of the declining district. She plays one of ...

A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire, #4) by George R.R. Martin * * * *

This book is the natural progression from the previous ones. It's a bit different in that we don't get to read about all the characters, just a few that are connected to each other. We also get to briefly see Dorne, which I found interesting. It dragged for me a bit, but that could be because my two favourite characters Tyrion and Dani aren't in it. I missed them. Some of the characters that I was sort of on the fence about, like Jamie and Sansa I grew to like by the end. Brienne I just can't care about. I almost wanted to skip over her parts, and frankly, she didn't add much to the story in this book. Maybe in the grand scheme of things she'll be important, but if she gets killed off, I'm not going to be sad. We also get to get to know the people on the Iron Islands more, but frankly, I don't like anyone there and if one of Dani's dragons torched them all, more power to them. Roasted ironmen! Cercei is pretty much THE villain at this point, so readi...

Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013) * * * * *

I do have to say, I'm a huge fan of Star Trek. It was one of the first the first sci-fi-s I've ever seen, back in the day on Sky One. It was the original series, and then I went on with the new series. Therefore, at first my mind was occupied by "OMG, Enterprise in 3D!!!!" The scenes were gorgeous. The future London and San Francisco, the starships, a real treat for the sci-fi fan. I like how they kept the style of the original movie and series. You did see a lot of 60s influence with short skirts and that weird hair that goes up. Visually, it didn't disappoint. Frankly, I don't remember much of the original second movie. I have watched it several times, but not in recent years. The twist towards the end was nice, I did remember the original of that. Of course in such a movie you can't really expect a very complex plot, but the story was fun too. The action didn't seem forced. Sometimes in action movies you just don't know why they jump through...