
Showing posts from February, 2014

Cress (Lunar Chronicles, #3) by Marissa Meyer * * * * *

Cress is the third installment in the Lunar Chronicles. The first two I read in a few days, and I was thankful that they were both out. I had been waiting for the next book for several months. Was it worth it? Oh yes. It's not as fast paced as the first two. Those also felt more together. Perhaps because there were fewer characters. What it doesn't lack is events. There was a lot going on. The main focus of the story, if it can be called that, since it wasn't that pronounced, was Cress. I kind of loved her. She is fragile and strong at the same time. Capable and lost. I love her dreamworld. In a way I could identify with that, because I do make up stories in my head with me as the central character as well. I was alone a lot too, though not as much as her. The other characters developed through the story. Mostly Cinder, of course, since she has the most on her shoulders. Thorne has also grown, and I was happy to see more of him in this story. It is hard to write about the b...

I, Frankenstein (2014) * *

I really can't remember what I expected from this movie. I'm pretty sure it wasn't what I got though. I checked the trailer again, and I think I wanted a movie that had good visuals, solid action, and some sort of a fantasy-based story line. I sort of got it, but it all fell flat. The background is basically a snippet of Christian mythology. It reminded me how much people forgot about the rich mythical background that Christianity had in the Middle Ages. Back then it had a rich story background, with angels, demons, spirits and the like. I'm not a Christian, but I love good fantasy stories, and myths to me are that. However, the talk about god and things just felt awkward. I live in a country where there are a lot of atheists, and all the god talk made a lot of people snicker in the theatre. The gods in Percy Jackson felt more rational. The visuals were well done. Seriously, people turning into gargoyles looked cool. The way demons and gargoyles died was spectacular...

Platina Data (2013) * * * * *

Platina Data is a Japanese thriller / sci-fi / mystery. I mainly watched it because Kazunari Ninomiya was in it, but I also found the premise of the movie interesting. In the movie, Japan is developing a DNA database that has everyone in it. The main goal is to be able to solve crimes more easily. However, already at the beginning we can see that they have taken DNA profiling to the next level. When people closely related to the program die, a surprising series of events start. More would be spoilers. I found the movie interesting. The story had me glued to the screen. Though frankly, I knew who the killer was halfway through. It's usually the case with me. I probably watch too many crime shows. What did keep me watching was Nino's character, whose story was an integral part of the movie. The cinematography was excellent. Some pictures I was tempted to pause, because it spoke of so much. Silence is always more difficult than dialogue. The main character is pla...