
Showing posts from June, 2010

Confessions of a Shopaholic (Shopaholic #1) by Sophie Kinsella *

I picked up this book for three reasons: 1. I wanted to read a light chick-lit. 2. I wanted to find out what shopaholics are like, since I can't relate. 3. Advertisements all around. I shouldn't have. I was sort of hoping that she would be cured, and learn to live a sensible lifestyle halfway through, but no. I never knew a person like her, and discovered I don't want to. Like I said, I'm not a shopaholic myself, but I like to investigate people who are not like me. The main character drove me crazy! I'm a total scrooge myself and the type who will put at least 10% of her paycheck into savings every month. So it was so frustrating for me to see someone be so nonchalant about money. I was hoping that maybe I could just laugh at her, but I can't. If you're anything like me, stay away from this book.

The Magicians' Guild (The Black Magician Trilogy #1) by Trudi Canavan * * * * *

This is one of the best fantasy books I've ever read. I feel that it's a crime that not more people are reading her books. It should also be translated into my native language, so that I could have other read it as well. This story is not your avarage fantasy. There is no quest to undertake, no clear lines of who is bad and who is good. You may think that one character is the greatest enemy, only to find out that the person is a friend. There are mysteries to figure out. The main character grows a lot from a little girl to a woman. So in a way it's a coming of age story. It's fast paced and interesting and I can promise everyone, you start reading and don't stop until your eyes are tearing up and you're yawning so big that you could swallow the book. I've hear it compared to Harry Potter because it also takes place in a magical school. However, this school is not Hogwarts. These kids aren't just learning spells, they're learning how to use magic in a...

New Moon (Twilight #2) by Stephenie Meyer *

I love vampires. I watch everything that has vampires in it and read a lot of vampire fiction. But this is about vampires? Really? It has nothing of what makes vampires interesting. In fact, it has nothing interesting at all. I read the first book and it was okay. Then I get to this one and have to read through pages and pages of whining, teenage angst over a guy she barely knows. I wanted to strangle the little b... Thank the gods I was never a teenager, because if that's what it's like, then I didn't miss a thing. Then she takes forever to realise that Jacob is a werewolf. Who didn't know by the end of the book? The saddest thing is that this horrible little girl has the same name as I do. I didn't read the whole thing, I gave up after page 200. I'm selling the book, because I never ever want to pick it up again. Just seeing it in the shops makes me cringe. Seriously, how can people be so in love with this series? Don't they have taste? I've read f...

Twilight (2008) *

When I went to see the movie, I had no idea what it was about other than vampires. I have always been a fan of vampire movies and stories. The sexuality, the suspense, the blood, it all fascinated me. I once wrote a little piece on vampires, the history of the figure, and that sort of things. A vampire always expressed hidden desires, mostly sexual ones. After I came out of the theatre, the only thing running through my head was; "What in the world was that?" Let's start with a story. I'm not going to spoil the thing to anyone, by saying that it's about a girl, who moves in with her dead to the middle of nowhere - Washington state. She meet an old friend, a Native American named Jacob. He has the hots for her. Then she goes to school, and every boy, including the mysterious Edward Cullen has the hots for her. Kind of cliche. Okay, very cliche. It's so obvious he's a vampire, even without the trailer I would have figured it out. The big scene is s...