Confessions of a Shopaholic (Shopaholic #1) by Sophie Kinsella *
I picked up this book for three reasons:
2. I wanted to find out what shopaholics are like, since I can't relate.
3. Advertisements all around.
I shouldn't have. I was sort of hoping that she would be cured, and learn to live a sensible lifestyle halfway through, but no. I never knew a person like her, and discovered I don't want to. Like I said, I'm not a shopaholic myself, but I like to investigate people who are not like me. The main character drove me crazy! I'm a total scrooge myself and the type who will put at least 10% of her paycheck into savings every month. So it was so frustrating for me to see someone be so nonchalant about money. I was hoping that maybe I could just laugh at her, but I can't. If you're anything like me, stay away from this book.
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